DHA in Pregnancy: Essential for Baby’s Brain Development
Did you know that there are key nutrients essential for your baby’s brain development? Many expecting mothers are not aware of these nutrients, and doctors often overlook this important topic. I only learned about them during the sixth month of my first pregnancy. That’s when I decided to research the information myself. I read books by top American doctors and reviewed scientific studies, finding strong evidence for the benefits of DHA. One could write an entire book on this topic. Today, I want to share with you what I’ve learned over the past few years. My goal is to make your pregnancy as informed and joyful an experience as possible.…
Postpartum Hair Loss: Effective Supplements and Remedies for Restoration
Hair loss due to hormonal changes or stress is a common issue for many women. It’s often a natural response of the body. Nonetheless, hair thinning can be somewhat reduced, which makes the situation seem less dramatic. For example, paying attention to the right vitamins and minerals can help. Of course, hair loss can have various causes. It can be due to hypothyroidism or vitamin deficiencies. Therefore, before blindly reaching for supplements, you should get blood tests first. This will help you find out exactly what’s going on in your body. I’m writing this article not only for you but also for myself. After two pregnancies and years of breastfeeding,…
DHA in Pregnancy – Choose the Best Supplement
If you’ve read my previous post about the essential role of DHA during pregnancy, you may be wondering which supplement to choose. This decision can be challenging due to the overwhelming number of products available on the market. It’s important to note that while many multivitamins claim to contain DHA, the doses are often insufficient. For instance, a popular supplement in the UK, PregnaCare Max (which is the more expensive version), contains 600 mg of omega-3, but only 300 mg of that is DHA. Research indicates that the optimal daily dose of DHA is at least 500 mg, with a preference for 1000 mg. Therefore, it may be worthwhile to…