Postpartum Hair Loss: Effective Supplements and Remedies for Restoration
Hair loss due to hormonal changes or stress is a common issue for many women. It’s often a natural response of the body. Nonetheless, hair thinning can be somewhat reduced, which makes the situation seem less dramatic. For example, paying attention to the right vitamins and minerals can help. Of course, hair loss can have various causes. It can be due to hypothyroidism or vitamin deficiencies. Therefore, before blindly reaching for supplements, you should get blood tests first. This will help you find out exactly what’s going on in your body. I’m writing this article not only for you but also for myself. After two pregnancies and years of breastfeeding,…
How to Replace Carcinogenic Fragrances at your Home
As long as I can remember, I’ve always been fascinated by beautiful scents. Even in elementary school, I used to sneak my mom’s perfume, carefully hidden in the closet under her clothes. Scented lip balms and relaxing bubble baths were my little rituals. At drugstores, I would always choose cosmetics based on their scent. I trusted the promises made by the manufacturers. I ignored the ingredient lists that seemed incomprehensible to me. Does a beautiful scent equal a healthy home? I loved it when my home smelled nice. Air fresheners were a standard – in the bathroom, living room, and sometimes even the bedroom. Plus, candles created a special atmosphere…