Caffeine in Pregnancy: How Much Is “One Coffee”? Shocking Findings.
As a devoted coffee lover, I often found myself asking an important question during my pregnancy: how much coffee can I safely drink each day? Many sources suggested that “one coffee a day” was fine, but I began to wonder—what exactly does “one coffee” mean? Is a small latte equivalent to a large flat white? Does a double espresso count as one coffee or two? How many teaspoons of ground coffee can I brew at home? It turned out that caffeine during pregnancy is more complicated than I had initially thought! The Impact of Caffeine on Pregnancy: What the Latest Research Says Caffeine is a beloved staple for many, boosting…
Decaf Coffee – A Guide for Expectant Mothers
If you’ve read my previous article on the effects of caffeine during pregnancy, you already know that our beloved lattes are, unfortunately, too energizing for moms-to-be. But don’t worry! Decaf coffee during pregnancy is a fantastic alternative, allowing you to keep enjoying your coffee pleasures. Today, I’m excited to share a wonderful solution with you – organic decaf coffee, perfect for pregnancy! You can enjoy it on its own or mix it with regular coffee in a 50/50 ratio without worrying about caffeine overload. Before you grab your first bag of decaf, it’s important to understand that not all decaf coffee is created equal. Some varieties undergo chemical processes, while…