“The flu fighters”- @Patrick Holford’s book on natural flu and covid treatments.
In this article, we will explore @Patrick Holford’s book “Flu Fighters.” While the book is not specifically targeted at pregnant women, its approach can still provide valuable inspiration. However, it is essential to consult with a doctor or naturopath before making any decisions or taking action.
@Patrick Holford is a well-known author of 44 books translated into 30 languages and the founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition. His work is based on over 50 studies that confirm the effectiveness of proper nutrition in combating viral infections.
Medications vs. Nature: My Experience with COVID-19 During Pregnancy
I have been through two pregnancies, and in both cases, I battled COVID-19. During my first pregnancy, I took paracetamol, not knowing its potential risks for expectant mothers. I now strongly advise against its use. If you’d like to read more on this topic, click here.
At that time, my only remedies were honey and lemon tea, which unfortunately provided minimal relief. The illness lingered for a long time, and taking medications felt never-ending. Antibiotics were also included in my treatment.
As a result, during my fifth-month ultrasound, I was informed that my baby had a brain abnormality. Fortunately, my son is now a healthy and intelligent boy. I attribute this to God and hard work, but that’s a story for another article.
In my second pregnancy, when I contracted COVID-19 again, I was better prepared. Thanks to Patrick Holford’s guide, I managed to overcome the illness in just two days, and the entire pregnancy went without complications.
I hope this article encourages you to check out Holford’s book, especially if you frequently struggle with infections.
Vitamin C: Unlocking Its Remarkable Healing Powers

In his work, Holford advocates for high doses of vitamin C, which have been shown to be remarkably non-toxic, even in large amounts. This approach aligns with the principle of “do no harm.”
At worst, following the advice in this book may yield no benefits; however, it also won’t cause any harm. The most significant downside could be a financial loss, but on the upside, it could potentially save a life.
It’s important to note that the dietary recommendations and supplements can generally be used alongside medications. Always consult with a doctor before making any changes to your regimen.
The author argues that most colds are caused by coronavirus infections, with COVID-19 being a more severe form of this virus. Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that the distinction between a cold and the flu can be somewhat fluid, as it depends on the severity of the symptoms.
The Surprising Benefits of Vitamin C in Preventing Colds
According to Holford, vitamin C reduces the number of colds in some people. Interestingly, in four studies, vitamin C prevented colds in British men, reducing the frequency of colds by 30%. In another four studies, the number of men who regularly suffered from colds decreased by 46%. That’s nearly half as many colds.
How Vitamin C Dosage Can Transform Your Recovery Time
Additionally, vitamin C helps reduce the severity and duration of colds. Professor Harri Hemila from the University of Helsinki stated that people experienced a notable effect when they took 8g of vitamin C on the first day of symptoms. For 46% of them, their symptoms disappeared after just one day. What happens when you take vitamin C for a longer period? In a five-day study where 1 to 1.5g of vitamin C was given daily, the duration of symptoms decreased by 25%. What if you take higher doses over a longer period?
In a 1999 study involving 463 students, participants were either given 1g of vitamin C every hour for the first six hours of a cold or flu. Then, they were given 3g daily. Alternatively, they were given painkillers and decongestants. The group taking vitamin C experienced an 85% reduction in cold and flu symptoms compared to the control group. Now you really start to see the effects!
1g of Vitamin C Every Hour

As a result, Patrick Holford recommends taking 1g every hour or 2g every two hours until symptoms subside. For a cold or flu, this usually doesn’t last longer than 48 hours.
Studies indicate that taking at least 6g of vitamin C on the first day can shorten an infection’s duration. The reduction in duration ranges from 20% to 85%.
I’ll add that it’s important to choose a mild form of vitamin C when taking it hourly. Large doses of ascorbic acid can irritate the stomach. My latest discovery is Healthspan Gentle Vitamin C in the form of calcium ascorbate. I also found a powdered version that’s easier to give to children by mixing it with food.
Healing Vitamin C Drink
Patrick Holford provides a recipe for a vitamin C drink as an alternative to taking pills:
- 1-2 liters of water
- 6g of vitamin C powder
- Berry concentrate
If you’re ill, prepare this drink and keep it in a bottle to sip throughout the day.
Vitamin C and COVID-19: A Real-World Case Study in Healing
Dr. Mao from the Public Health Center in Shanghai reported that “all patients who received intravenous vitamin C (IVC) recovered. There were no fatal cases.” Moreover, patients who received high doses of vitamin C had a 3-5 day shorter hospital stay than other patients.
It’s also worth noting that intravenous vitamin C is much stronger than oral vitamin C. Dr. Yanagisawa, president of the Tokyo College of Intravenous Therapy, believes that intravenous therapy is safe, effective, and has a broad antiviral spectrum.
Elderberry: A Natural Powerhouse for Fighting Viruses

In the initial study, people received elderberry extract. They showed higher levels of antibodies against the flu virus than the control group. Antibodies are our early warning system, signaling the immune system to attack the invader. Therefore, as the study shows, taking the right nutrients as soon as symptoms appear makes a huge difference.
During the 1993 flu epidemic in Israel, a placebo-controlled study found that elderberry extract shortened recovery time by half. Moreover, a small meta-analysis published in 2019, including 180 participants, showed that elderberry significantly reduced upper respiratory symptoms. Unfortunately, most of the syrups available on the market are sweetened with glucose syrup or sugar. Fortunately, we can make our own elderberry syrup from dried elderberries. You can find the recipe here.
Vitamin D: The Key to a Strong Immune System

February is often the worst month for flu cases. This confirms the theory that our vitamin D stores decrease as winter progresses. There is plenty of evidence that low vitamin D levels are linked to chronic respiratory failure. It’s also associated with higher mortality during flu epidemics. Low levels of this vitamin are also linked to pneumonia. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in supporting the immune system, helping it respond more effectively to viruses.
Two well-designed studies on children confirm this connection.
Patrick Holford recommends regularly checking your vitamin D levels, which should be at least 100 nmol/L. He also recommends eating foods rich in vitamin D, such as eggs, fish, and dairy.
Vitamin Dosage for Children and Infants
According to the author of the book, the general rule is to adjust the dose based on body weight. The average adult male weighs around 70 kg. If a child weighs 30 kg, they should receive half the adult dose.
Since some herbs and less popular nutrients have not been widely tested on children, their use carries some risk. In reality, however, this risk is minimal as long as the substance is natural.
In one study published in 2018, infants were given either a low dose (10 mcg/400 IU) or a high dose (30 mcg/1200 IU) of vitamin D for four months. During this time, the group receiving the low dose had 78 cases of the flu, while the high-dose group had only 43 cases.
Moreover, children in the high-dose group recovered faster, and the higher dose was found to be safe for infants.
Unlocking the Power of Antioxidants: How They Supercharge Your Immunity

During an infection, our immune cells and virus-infected cells produce large amounts of oxidants. There are many nutrients with antioxidant properties that help the immune system defeat and destroy the virus.
Key antioxidants needed to optimize immunity include:
- Vitamin A (maintains healthy mucous membranes, especially in the lungs)
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Zinc
- Manganese
- Selenium
- Glutathione
- Coenzyme Q10
- Alpha-lipoic acid
- Anthocyanins
- Resveratrol
Zinc: Why It’s Essential for Your Immune System and How to Get More
Zinc is one of the most important minerals for your immune system. It is also one of the most common deficiencies.
The optimal daily intake of zinc is 15 mg. During an infection, Patrick Holford recommends doses ranging from 50 mg to 200 mg. This should be limited to up to a week.
Natural Ways to Strengthen Your Immunity: A Comprehensive Guide

There are friendly agents that appear to be effective and have plenty of research backing them: echinacea, edible shiitake mushrooms, ginger, garlic, and quercetin – a phytochemical found in red onions.
One study conducted on a group of healthy men showed that after 5 days of taking 30 drops of echinacea extract three times a day, their white blood cells doubled their phagocytic ability, allowing them to destroy viruses more effectively.
Canadian golden seal is a rich source of berberine, which has many immune-boosting, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. The recommended daily therapeutic dose is 500 mg, taken 3 times a day.
Medicinal mushrooms, such as shiitake, reishi, and chaga, exhibit a certain degree of immunological activity.
In a recent study, researchers gave shiitake mushrooms to 52 healthy volunteers. They conducted blood tests to assess their impact on immunity. The number of their T cells and NK (natural killer) cells increased. Immune function improved. Gut immunity was enhanced. Inflammation was reduced.
Final Thoughts: Empowering Your Health with the Wisdom of ‘Flu Fighters’
Patrick Holford’s book “Flu Fighters” clearly emphasizes the importance of proper supplements and nutrition in fighting viral infections. Above all, Holford recommends high doses of vitamin C. It can significantly reduce the frequency of colds. It also shortens their duration. He also highlights the crucial role of vitamin D in supporting the immune system. Additionally, antioxidants like zinc, vitamins A and E are vital in this context. Furthermore, supplementation with elderberry and echinacea also shows beneficial effects during infections. I encourage you to like my Facebook page to stay up to date with new posts.
Patrick Holford “Flu fighters”